Don't let Israeli army brainwash you, warns powerful short film - watch
9 June 2014
Attempt to enlist young Christians is one of the most pressing issues facing Palestinians in Israel.
9 June 2014
Attempt to enlist young Christians is one of the most pressing issues facing Palestinians in Israel.
3 June 2014
This is the latest example of blatant cultural appropriation of indigenous Palestinian and regional culture to add to a long list that already includes falafel, hummus and olive oil.
22 May 2014
In a moving commencement speech, singer John Legend did something nearly unprecedented among celebrity commenters: he urged his audience to humanize Palestinians.
19 May 2014
This short video featuring women and men in Gaza speaking about their connections to Palestine was published to mark Nakba Day.
15 May 2014
“Radical” publisher Verso Books promotes Nakba Day reading list — without any works by Palestinians.
13 May 2014
Manuscript digitization lets researchers worldwide study threatened Palestinian texts.
5 May 2014
“One gets the impression that there’s nothing accidental about the way these checkpoints work on you, work on your spirit. These are well thought out. They’re intended to humiliate, they’re intended to dehumanize.”
1 May 2014
Arabic and Shetlandic have similarly earthy qualities.
22 April 2014
Arts critic Sarah Irving rounds up recently-published works by Palestinian writers.
19 April 2014
Highlights include Amina Waheed’s Chicago-filmed documentary Corner Stores and Jessica Habie’s boldly experimental feature Mars at Sunrise.